Institutional Investors

To help institutional investors manage increasingly complex multi-asset portfolios, we have developed a proprietary set of cross-asset technology solutions, ranging from portfolio analytics to trade execution and reporting.

Who we support

Pension Funds

Sovereign Wealth Funds

Multi-Family Offices

Endowment Funds

Our expertise spans across various asset classes and investment strategies, ensuring that your investment objectives are met with precision and excellence. Our services includes:

Fund Administration
Performance Reporting
Regulatory Reporting
Risk Management
Treasury and Cash Management
Portfolio Management
Compliance and Due Diligence
ESG and Impact Investing

Streamline Fund Operations with RAISE

Automation of Routine Tasks: RAISE automates routine administrative tasks, reducing manual errors and freeing up your team to focus on strategic activities.

Real-Time Data Access: Gain real-time access to fund data, allowing for timely decision-making and enhanced transparency.

Customizable Reporting: Generate customizable reports tailored to your specific needs, providing you with the insights necessary to drive your fund’s performance.

Secure Data Management: RAISE ensures the highest standards of data security, protecting sensitive information and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

Scalability: Our platform is designed to scale with your fund, accommodating growth and evolving needs without compromising on efficiency or accuracy.

Ready to talk about what’s next?

Our team of high-caliber professionals possesses a diverse range of talents, with solid experience in various areas of alternative asset servicing, including fund administration, financial technology, and corporate services.