Linnovate Partners recently held its first bi-annual global town hall meeting for 2023 to share updates about the company’s current state and plans for the future. Connecting all employees and offices globally via video conferencing, the meeting was led by Henry Lin, the CEO of Linnovate Partners, and Vivian Wong, Managing Director of Operations.

Henry Lin started the meeting by discussing the current state of the company. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic over the last 3 years, Linnovate Partners has continued to grow and expand its business. Henry shared that the company has recently secured several new clients and has been able to maintain strong relationships and win new funds from the existing ones. He also mentioned that the company’s financials are looking strong, and that Linnovate Partners is on track to meet its revenue targets for the year.

Looking ahead, Henry discussed some of the company’s plans for the future and emphasized that Linnovate Partners is committed to staying at the forefront of innovation in our industry, and that the company will be investing heavily in research and development to ensure that we continue to provide our clients with cutting-edge solutions. He also mentioned that the company is exploring opportunities to expand into new markets, both domestically and internationally.

Next, Vivian Wong discussed the company’s expansion plans and goals for the year, including the expansion of new offices in Kuala Lumpur, Chengdu and San Francisco. She also addressed important employee relations matters, such as the next round of performance evaluations, employee engagement, 5 core values of our people and emphasized that Linnovate Partners is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment for all employees. Additionally, Vivian highlighted the company’s commitment to ESG issues, including its efforts to reduce its environmental impact, promote social responsibility, and improve its governance practices.

 Overall, the Linnovate Partners town hall meeting was a great success. With a strong commitment to innovation and employee development, Linnovate Partners is poised for continued success in the years ahead.